
Vote for our new Chapter Leadership Team! Ballots due on Tuesday, May 11

Please vote on the ballot below. Did you miss this notice, or are new to our Chapter and want to join us on the Leadership Team? We will have a second round of elections for the new leaders who are joining us. Please email us to learn more.

Next Chapter Meeting:
Tuesday, May 18, 6:30pm

We will announce our Chapter election results and welcome our new Climate Reality Leaders! We will hear from new Climate Reality Leaders and mentors who attended the US Virtual Training. Find out the latest climate updates, and what actions the US will be working on under this new administration. We will also have our Chapter and Committee updates. Save the Date!

May Cook & Serve featuring Chef and Nutrition Coach, Emily Forbes! Monday, May 17, 5:30 pm

In this Cook & Serve event, Chef Emily Forbes will demonstrate how to make Verde Enchiladas Casserole. This opportunity is organized by Ashwin Prabhu, a member of the Climate-Friendly Food Committee of the Portland Chapter of Climate Reality.

Watch this cooking demo on Zoom at 5:30pm on Monday, May 17. If you want to cook along with Emily, be sure to email us right away for the recipes so you can do your shopping and prep in advance (we will also send you this information once you register).Then, on Saturday, May 22, you can join others cooking at home to make vegan Mexican food for 45 people experiencing homelessness who are staying at the Clark Center.

You can make a lot or a little. If you want to contribute, but can't make the featured recipe or don't want to cook, Ashwin can help you identify what you can make (like a side dish or refried beans, for example), please sign up.

If these dates won't work for you, Climate Reality will record the demo, which you can see on Climate Reality's YouTube channel. You are also encouraged to make the dishes for your family at home!

Other May Climate Events

Climate Reality Leader Raz Mason will present this free interactive workshop for climate activists.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back stronger after facing challenges.
Those of us aware of the climate emergency have struggled to elicit appropriate responses from leaders and the public. We need a paradigm shift - a new story that captures people’s attention and points a way forward. Applying lessons from the perils and drama of seafaring to our planet-wide “blue boat” climate voyage offers a mental map for urgent, wise, and adventuresome action.
This interactive online workshop uses the dynamics of seafaring to introduce and apply eight “blue-boat” resilience lessons. By understanding these keys, we and our communities can better survive and thrive throughout our climate journey, generating the wise action needed to move ahead.
Please follow this Meetup Group created, and now hosted, by Portland Climate Reality Leaders, where we will promote local climate-related events, all Climate Reality Portland Chapter events as other virtual events around Climate Change and Sustainability.