
Our first meet up in person!

We've had a very positive response to having a gathering outdoors so new members can meet each other and the older Chapter members. This will be casual and fun, bring your kids, dog, reusable plates/utensils and some food. We will provide drinks and snacks.

We're planning on Grant Park in NE Portland as the location and will announce the date in the next few days, so please vote on what day and time works best here ASAP. Details about food included on the poll as well.

Please email us with any questions.

June Cook & Serve with Chef & Cookbook Author Michelle Schwegmann! Monday, June 21, 5:30 pm

In this Cook & Serve event, Chef Michelle Schwegmann will demonstrate how to make Corned Bean Burgers and Sauerkraut. This opportunity is organized by Ashwin Prabhu, a member of the Climate-Friendly Food Committee of the Portland Chapter of Climate Reality.

Watch this cooking demo on Zoom at 5:30pm on Monday, June 21. If you want to cook along with Emily, be sure to email us right away for the recipes so you can do your shopping and prep in advance (we will also send you this information once you register).Then, on Saturday, June 26, you can join others cooking at home to make vegan Mexican food for 45 people experiencing homelessness who are staying at the Clark Center.

You can make a lot or a little. If you want to contribute, but can't make the featured recipe or don't want to cook, Ashwin can help you identify what you can make (like a side dish or refried beans, for example), please sign up.

If these dates won't work for you, Climate Reality will record the demo, which you can see on Climate Reality's YouTube channel. You are also encouraged to make the dishes for your family at home!

Legislative Climate Action Needed ASAP!

We will be featuring different climate actions our members are involved in, and what other members can do to help. Please send us an email at climaterealityportland@gmail.com with a paragraph or two on specific actions that need support in our State, and a link to the details and a deadline. In the subject line, add "Climate Action Needed" and the topic.
Dear Chapter members,
I am writing today urging you to send a letter to your state senator in support of SB 582A. You can find written information, FAQ’s sheet and a sample draft letter ready for your modification here.

The current recycling system in Oregon is broken. We have many options in Portland but far fewer in other parts of the state and even the broader Metro area has different recycling requirements. Also, the cost of the recycling system is almost entirely picked up by Garbage ratepayers. It has made Garbage service very expensive and recycling is inadequate based on the many new items that have been manufactured in the past 2 decades. We need to ask product producers to bear some of the financial costs their new plastic items create during disposal. SB 582A will solve much of this.

One of Climate Reality's most important missions is to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and the petrochemical industry. The manufacture of new and different plastics is an expanding part of the petrochemical industry. Asking manufacturers to pay their fair share for disposal might nudge industry to think more circularly about the items they produce.

And wouldn’t it be nice to handle your items the same way in the Dalles, Eugene and Beaverton?
I hope you’ll join me in supporting this legislation.
— Celeste Lewis, Climate Reality Leader & Chapter member
Legislative Action from our sister Chapter in SW Oregon:
Information about HB 2021: 100% Clean Energy for All. Read the blog post in the button below, and take a look at the one page fact sheet here.
Please follow this Meetup Group created, and now hosted, by Portland Climate Reality Leaders, where we will promote local climate-related events, all Climate Reality Portland Chapter events as other virtual events around Climate Change and Sustainability. If you are interested in having your event featured, please email us for consideration.