
Update this week!

Clean Energy Jobs Bill: HB 2020

HB2020 is still receiving amendments! Senator Dembrow says he expects Legislative Council to have another draft by May 3rd or May 6th. This will be an omnibus HB2020-84. There are several actions we can take. Please keep checking the JCCR schedule on OLIS for hearing dates.

  1. Please write (email) to supporters on the Joint Committee on Carbon Reduction say thank you for the improvements we saw in the -13 and urge them to keep these improvements and make the bill even stronger. Reference materials for letters attached (same as last week). Let’s show them support, they are working hard.
  2. Attend the hearings so the Committee knows we are still watching them and expecting the best.
  • Friday, May 3rd from 1 – 3 PM: discussion of fuel rebate bill and amendments. Agenda.
  • Monday, May 6th from 5 – 7 PM: Agenda not yet available.
  1. Invite your friends and neighbors to show their support for climate action.
  • Text to248.2723 and enter CALL, 2019 or SIGN (Each of these options takes you to a Renew Oregon website with complete instructions.)
  • Enter CALL for a call script and direct line to your Representative and Senator.
  • Enter 2019 to email your legislators. A standard email is provided and it can be edited to make it more personal.
  • Enter SIGN to sign theOregon Youth Climate Petition.

Enjoy the energy of our youth with these videos from the Youth Rally on April 22nd. Please like/love and share. They give me hope and steel my resolve to keep working on this.

Yusuf, 8th grade, Beaverton
Edith & Ruby, juniors

Ian, senior, Salem High School

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