CCAC presents a Look Ahead for the Climate Crisis, in Clackamas County, Oregon and the planet. Come hear Climate Reality leader, Linda Blue in a sober and hopeful presentation about how you can get involved. Also updates on the Clackamas County Climate Plan, the ballot measure on sustainable forest practices, and youth initiatives. Drinks, socializing and advocacy are free!
Can you volunteer to help or table at this event, and represent the Portland Chapter? Please email us.
The Climate Crisis Looking Ahead:
An Evening of Action and Advocacy
Monday, December 2, 7-9 pm
Doors open at 6pm for refreshments & social time, Beer/Beverages available (please bring your own cup)
Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Willamette Falls
710 6th St. Oregon City, Oregon 97045
The New Abnormal: a global climate conversation
a Climate Reality update by Linda Blue, Climate Reality Leader
Update on Clackamas County Climate Plan
Eben Polk, Clackamas County Sustainability Manager
Jason Gonzales, Oregon Wild Field Director
Clackamas County youth leadership initiatives
RSVP (seating is limited): rsvp