
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Us!
Tuesday, March 17 / 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Oregon Public House 700 NE Dekum, Portland, OR 97211

We are excited to announce we have found a new regular meeting place! Oregon Public House is allowing us to use the Village Ballroom Space upstairs for our monthly meetings at no charge. Please support this generous gift to us by ordering food and drinks! They have great vegan options available too. RSVP and share the word.

Please come meet our new members!

We have 14 new people from the Portland area who were accepted to the Las Vegas Training that we want to welcome to our group and many of them will be there. Sadly, that training was postponed due to concerns around the coronavirus. While disappointed, we are all wanting to keep the momentum and connection that has been starting. Please join us, bring a friend, and let's start collaborating around local climate action!

Besides enjoying social time, we will have a "Truth in 10" presentation, and update on the Clean Energy Jobs Bill, SB1530. There will be time to hear from all of you about what everyone is working on in climate action and how we can support you.

Lastly, for those of you who would like to join the Faces of Climate Change movement that we talked about at our last meeting, we will have a videographer and space for that to happen! Share your reasons and we will amplify our stories together. You can also add your voice from your own home.

SHARE THE NEWS: You can stay updated on local information and invite friends through our website or Facebook and Twitter!