August 28 7:00 pm

Did you know that the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is trying to restore the Climate Protection Program this year?

DEQ needs broad public support to defend and strengthen the program against fossil fuel industry pushback. Join us August 28 at 7 pm to write and submit your comment before the August 30 deadline. We’ll talk through people’s questions about the CPP, and also have a chance for Q&A about the CRP-Portland Legislative Committee in general.

Climate Protection Program (CPP) would require oil and gas companies to cut their pollution by 90% by 2050, and provide ~$150 million of investments into Oregon’s communities. If you thought the CPP was already passed, you’re right, but it was invalidated on technical grounds in Dec. of 2023 due to oil & gas industry lawsuits.

Now, the CPP is on the path to restoration, and the public comment period is open through August 30 for Oregonians to chime in with their thoughts about this critical program.

The oil & gas industry will stop at nothing to derail and weaken this program, so it’s vital that DEQ hear a groundswell of support for restoring the CPP’s essential climate and community protections by the end of this year.

If you want to testify in support of Oregon’s cornerstone CPP, but just don’t know what to say – this event is the perfect event for you! Join the CRP-Portland Chapter at this special comment-writing event on Aug 28 from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Learn more about the CPP, and join others to craft and submit your testimony. We’ll talk through people’s questions about the CPP, and also have a chance for Q&A about the CRP-Portland Legislative Committee in general!