January 15 – 22, 2023

Join us to learn more about Getting Into Climate Action. In this two-session course (via zoom), you’ll look at climate solutions as presented by Drawdown that are most appropriate to each of us and how we can implement them in our communities. Learn about Project Drawdown’s Climate Solutions 101, the foundation for this course here (1 minute video) .

You’ll connect with others who share your interests and can collaborate with you on shared projects.

Help us move toward mitigating the worst effects of global climate change.

  • Learn about climate solutions that are appropriate to you and your community.
  • Connect with others who also want to make a difference.
  • Get fresh ideas and inspiration as you get into effective climate action.

Recruit, Educate, Connect, Support, Inspire

This 2-week course will help you focus on how you can Get Into Action for Climate Change.
Participating will help you connect to ways that you can be proactive in reducing the effects of climate change. This course will provide you Climate Action Ideas even if you have limited time. Get your family involved.

Sundays 7:00 to 8:30 pm PST, Jan. 15 and 22, 2023
Sunday, Feb. 5, 2023 facilitator will call you to discuss your Getting Into Action ideas

Free Course, but pre-registration is required.
Email your interest in attending and questions to facilitator, Ken Barker at ClimateGIA@gmail.com