Fall kick-off meeting September 17 at 7 pm on zoom
The September 17 meeting features Guest speaker Pam Vergun, director of Climate Change Recovery, mother to two Juliana plaintiffs, and project manager of the Elders Climate Action’s effort, Elders Promote the Vote. We’ll also have chapter updates and a Q&A. Long time members and newly interested folks welcome! Register here.
More on Pam:
For over 11 years, Pam Vergun has developed programs that lead the way in involving youth, parents, and other adults of all ages in climate activism. A Climate Reality Mentor, she founded the nonprofit Climate Change Recovery (CCR) and its program Youth and Adults Acting for our Earth (YAE!) , with her family. Her children, Miko and Isaac, were the first youth leaders. Building upon her experience in program design and evaluation, YAE exemplifies the ability of people to support each other in taking action and provides the necessary training to get more of us involved in the global climate movement.
In addition to serving as CCR’s director, she is the project manager for Elders Promote the Vote—or, as she likes to call it Elders & Friends Promote the Vote, a program of Elders Climate Action (ECA), which is part of the nonprofit Elders Action Network.
Dr. Vergun brings to her climate work a decade of program assessment and support in education, health care, and other fields, as well as several years spent working with an international nonprofit, Plant for the Planet, as Executive Director and Board Member.
More from Climate Reality Project Portland Chapter:
Check out our initiatives page to find out more about what we’re doing!
Chapter meetings are at 7 pm the third Tuesday of the month. To accommodate members from different parts of the Portland Metro area and beyond, our meetings are primarily on zoom, with in person social events a few times per year.